Hixon Allotments Association

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Wellington Fields Allotment Committee
Minutes of the Improvement Plan meeting held at
7.30pm on Wednesday 3rd June 2015
at The Granary, Egg Lane.

Present: Simon Ellin (SE) (Acting Chair), Karen Appleton, (KA) (treasurer & secretary), Alan Hartley (AH), Rose Jones (RJ), Mark Pearce (MP), Chris Hilton (CH), Barry Williams (BW), Joe Craen (JC), Mark Connell (MC), Jane Garner (JG)

None. Representatives from the PC were invited to the meeting but did not attend
Email from H.P.C. An email has been received from H.P.C. The email states that in future the tenancy agreements will be between H.P.C. and individual plot-holders and that from February 2016 H.P.C. intends to invoice plot-holders directly for rent and water charges. The email also states that this will enable plot-holders to be covered by H.P.C.’s public liability insurance. Simon gave a brief resume of the current situation and expressed his concern that by implication the wording of the email suggests that W.F.A.A. is not at present covered by H.P.C.’s public liability insurance, although in clause 5 of the contract between H.P.C. and W.F.A.A. dated 17th May 2011 it states that public liability will be provided by H.P.C. The contract also states in clause 7h that W.F.A.A. will be responsible for collecting rents from plot-holders and in the amendment to the contract dated 17th December 2013 it states that H.P.C. will invoice W.F.A.A. for the water. Up until now the water charges have been absorbed by the £12 per person charged over and above that paid to H.P.C, but H.P.C. are proposing to make separate charges. It was agreed that Simon will draft a reply, drawing the attention of H.P.C. to the relevant clauses of the contract and asking for clarification of the current areas which are covered by the public liability insurance. 

AGM agenda items
There has been a request for public participation at all W.F.A.A. meetings. There has also been a request ‘to discuss the disparities in the current W.F.A.A. pricing policy and what actions are proposed to rectify these anomalies’. Both items will be added to the A.G.M. agenda. 

The accounts have been audited and show a full breakdown of all income and expenditure. These will be distributed to all plot-holders at the A.G.M.. A bottle of brandy has been given to the accountant in thanks for his work. 

Minutes of Liaison meeting with HPC
5.5.15 H.P.C. did not accept the suggested changes to the minutes of the meeting on 5.5.15. However, the representatives of  W.F.A.A. who attended the meeting felt that these changes represented a more balanced reflection of the discussions. It was proposed by Chris Hilton, seconded by Mark Pearce that these revised minutes be adopted by the Committee and posted on the website. 

Redistribution of rents
Karen had re-calculated rents from plot-holders, making adjustments to the £12 charge according to the size of plot. These changes were discussed, but it was agreed that the £12 should remain the same for all plot-holders as the costs covered (e.g. NSALG subscription, outlay for equipment and tools etc.) would apply equally to all. 

Improvement Plan
The committee suggested the following items for inclusion in a development plan for W.F.A.A:· demolition of current building (with agreement from John Martin) to be replaced with a wooden building for use as a shop, for storage of tools and equipment including first aid box;· repairs to entrance (‘crossing from Egg Lane to entrance gateway);· review risk assessments, including for use of strimmer;· training for use of strimmer and first aid;· fundraising;· progress liaison with HPC to improve relationships· social activities (e.g. Gardeners’ Question Time, quiz, barbecue, open day);· fact sheet for new plot-holders with tips for growing;· develop links with other groups (e.g. Haywoods Allotments, Produce Guild);· volunteering (e.g. general maintenance, compost, support, holiday watering); · plot inspection;· e-newsletter. It was suggested that this be an agenda item at the A.G.M. and that post-it notes be provided for members to contribute ideas to the development plan. 

Agenda for AGM
1. Welcome
2. Chairman’s report 
3. Treasurer’s report
4. Secretary’s report
5. Improvement Plan (Chris)
6. Current H.P.C. situation (Simon)
7. Open meetings (at Jim Carmichael’s request)
8. Election of committee/officers
9. A.O.B. 

Next meeting: Monday 15th June 2015 at 6.30pm, followed by the AGM at 7.30pm, in Hixon Memorial Hall.

Please note that a vote at the AGM changed the administration/contingency charges which had been agreed at this meeting, to reflect the size of the plot. Rent for a full plot will be increased from £108.00 to £128.00, rent for a half plot will be increased from £60.00 to £64.00 and rent for a quarter plot will be decreased from £36.00 to £32.00.

Wellington Fields Allotments A.G.M. 2015
Hixon Memorial Hall
Monday 15th June 7.30pm

If you have any items for the agenda could you please get them to me in writing by June 1st at the very latest so that the agenda can go out on the 8th June.
Many thanks
Karen Appleton (Secretary WFA)

Minutes of Meeting between Hixon Parish Council and Wellington Fields Allotments Association Committee 
Tuesday 5th May 2015 

In attendance for all of the meeting: 
Parish Council: Cllr Brendan McKeown (BM), Cllr Mrs Susan McKeown (also plot-holder), Cllr Mrs Carol Hassall, Cllr Paul Hopcroft (PH) (also plot-holder), 
Cllr Jim Carmichael (JC) (also plot-holder), Catherine Gill (CG) - Clerk . Apologies Cllr. D Sephton, Cllr. R Tonge. 
Allotments Committee: Mark Connell, Nigel Baxter (NB), Karen Appleton (KA), Simon Ellin (SE), Mark Pearce, Chris Hilton (CH). 

The meeting started with thanks being given to all attendees by Nigel Baxter, to allow the opportunity to discuss the various issues that have arisen between the Allotments Committee and Hixon Parish Council. 
Brendan McKeown started the discussions, asking plot-holders how much they paid for a plot in an attempt to highlight that plot holders did not know where their rent was spent - this sparked some arguments. SE said he felt the question was irrelvant and bullying. 
Brendan McKeown stated that the "rent" amount charged by the Allotments Committee for 2015-2016 had increased quite substantially, however in previous years the amount charged had stayed the same. Catherine Gill said the PC increases its rent invoices by RPI each year, as per the agreements with both the Landowner and with the Allotments Association. KA stated that rent increases were made to cover increased costs. 
BM continued, stating that the main reason the PC planned to take over the financial running of the allotments was because some plot-holders were not aware where their payments were going to - the PC would issue invoices stating how much was for the rent for John Martin, how much for ring-fenced funds for repairs and maintenance for specified items, how much for water, and how much was being kept for purchase of equipment etc. This would make the finances completely transparent and as the PC is VAT registered, would allow the money spent on many items to go further. KA stated that plot holders already have a full breakdown of where their rent is spent 
Karen Appleton stated that invoices sent out by the Allotments Committee could be changed to show all the detail and be completely transparent as well. KA also said that Simon Ellin has offered to cover the costs spent on VAT by the Allotments Committee funds for the next 5 years, the average amount being spent per year on VAT by the Committee at present is £60 per year. SE confirmed this. 
SE said that the demands (to take over the finances of the allotments) being made by the PC are not constitutional - SE reiterated that the plot-holders would have to vote and 3/4 would have to be in favour. 
CG pointed out that he agreement between Hixon PC and the Allotments Association does not require a vote by the plot-holders. The agreement between the Allotment Association and plot-holders does not cover who is in control of the finances. SE stated that to the contrary, the WFAA constitution clearly shows that WFAA areb in full control of the finances. 

The Allotments Committee had put together some figures purporting to show that had they increased the "rent" they charged each year in line with RPI as the PC increases its invoice for rent, plot-holders would now be paying more than they actually were. However, on inspection, these figures were shown to be flawed, as the numbers increased by RPI included the extra amount kept by the Allotments Committee for their expenditure, not just the lesser amount that goes the PC. Overall, the actual rent figure increased by RPI would be substantially less than being charged, however, the water payments would still have to be paid etc. The PC asked that this incorrect data was not circulated any further and this was agreed by the Allotments Committee. 
As there had been historically some bad feelings between the two groups, a plea was made by Chris Hilton to not let this interfere with moving forwards with a positive attitude, with both sides working together to improve the situation. CH asked that lessons be learned from the mistakes made on both sides and that people put the past behind them. BM reminded people that it was the history that had caused the current problem, so whilst moving on was good, the past problems should not be forgotten.
Jim Carmichael asked that the Allotment Committee meetings be open for all plot holders to attend, with a time allocated for public participation as per Parish Council meetings. Notice of the meetings must be circulated in advance.
Paul Hopcroft said that he found the Allotments Association accounts rather difficult to follow and would like them to be presented with a greater clarity. SE stated that if PH may be correct in his assertion and agreed that if this was indeed the case, they would look at ways of making them more transparent and with a more detailed break down. PH agreed with JC that the Allotment Committee meetings should be open to plot-holders, with plot-holders allowed to speak/ask questions and said that currently he felt there was no notification of the meetings. SE agreed that this may be a good idea and they would look into adopting it. Meetings should be free from any slanging matches. PH said that with regards the current meeting, no-one should go away from it feeling as though they have won or lost the meeting.
CH suggested the Allotments Innovations team met regularly with the PC and that both teams work together to find the best way forward. He agreed that the Allotment finances must be completely transparent from now on. He said that the new Allotments Committee want to prove to the PC that they are committed to the allotments and moving forward together. BM suggested that the PC and the Allotments group meet twice a year e.g. May and November, using November to set a budget, rent etc. SE suggested a review of the situation after 12 months,
BM suggested using a PC account for all the allotment money as this would solve the VAT problem (without needing funds from SE), the money could be used more flexibly if it was all in one pot, the problem of who pays for what would not arise: e.g. the issue of who pays what, for the gateway, would not have occurred - the gateway is not shown as being in the area that the PC maintains on the plan that forms part of the agreement. Also, if equipment is purchased by the Allotments Association rather than by the PC, the Allotments Association may need their own insurance cover, in case of accidents etc., as the equipment is unlikely to be covered by the PC's insurance if not owned by the PC. SE said that the money ring fenced by HPC could also be used more flexibly if HPC wanted to and that this did not require HPC taking control of all the allotment monies. BM pointed out that the ring-fenced money had been set-up to cover repairs/ replacment of fences etc.over the 50 years, this does not make it particularly flexible. 
The meeting ended with the suggestion that one or more PC members met regularly with the Allotments Group to format the best way forward, the 3-year plan for the allotments etc. The situation with the allotments will need to be discussed at the PC meeting on May 19th, so this was not something that could be agreed on at the meeting. The next AGM for the allotments is 15th June 2015.

Meeting finished at 9.25 pm.

Wellington Fields Allotment Committee
Minutes of the meeting held at 7.30pm on
Tuesday 21st April 2015
at the Bankhouse

Present: Nigel Baxter (NB) (chair), Karen Appleton, (KA) (treasurer & secretary), Alan Hartley (AH), Rose Jones (RJ) Mark Pearce (MP),Barry Williams (BW)Chris Hilton (CH), Joe Craen (JC), Jane Garner (JG)
Apologies: Simon Ellin (SE), Mark Connell (MC) 

415.3 Minutes of previous meeting.
The minutes of the A.G.M. held on 14th January 2015, and the E.G.M. on 17th February were read, approved and signed by the Chairman .

415.3a Matters arising Rats.
Rats have been seen again on the allotments. Karen will contact Environmental Health. KA.

415.4 Financial Report/Waiting list/Unpaid rents/Future spending.
Financial report – Monies in the account at 17.4.15 are £2,233.70, with some rents still to be paid in. £989.12 of the current balance is monies raised from fund raising events, donations and advertisements. Unpaid rents - All rents have now been paid. There is a shortfall in income from rents because some of the empty plots have only recently been taken.
Waiting list – At present there is only one quarter plot vacant.
Future Spending – Chris Hilton suggested that the committee draw up a development plan for the allotments, including ideas for future events and plans for the derelict building to become a shop/store. (It was noted that John Martin has no objections to the building being replaced by something more practical.) It was also suggested that bee-hives might be placed on the allotments. Karen will contact N.S.A.L.G. for information and Chris will contact a bee-keeping colleague. This will be an agenda item at the next committee meeting. KACH.

415.5 Suzanne Burt’s Tree.
There is no longer an issue because the tree has been removed.

415.6 N.S.A.L.G. email.
The N.S.A.L.G. is looking for venues for forthcoming regional meetings. The committee agreed that Karen respond and offer the Memorial Hall. KA.

415.7 Front gate/Security.
The gate is still being left open when there is no-one working on the allotments. Nigel will look into having signs made to remind people. He also suggested a welcome notice on the wall of the building. NB.

415.8 HPC situation/Plot holders’ vote.
Nigel gave a brief resume of the on-going problems. It was agreed that we need to arrange a meeting with the Parish Council as soon as possible to resolve the issues. Chris will draft a letter inviting representatives from the Parish Council to a meeting with a working group from the Allotments Committee. This will be a meeting aimed at moving forward with new ideas. Nigel, Karen, Chris, Simon and Mark P offered to represent the committee. The suggested dates are Thursday 30th April, Tuesday 5th May and Monday 11th May, all at 8.00pm in the Bar Room at the Memorial Hall. 

415.9 A.G.M.
This will be held on Monday 15th June in the Memorial Hall. There will be a committee meeting at 6.30pm, followed by the A.G.M. at 7.30pm. Notice will go out in advance asking for items for the agenda to be submitted to KA 14 days prior to this date so that the agenda can be issued 7 days before the meeting. KA.

419.10 A.O.B.
Chair – A new Chair is needed as Nigel is to be a Parish Councillor. Simon has offered to be Chair until the AGM and it was suggested that he and Nigel work together for the next few weeks.
V.E. Fete – It was agreed that the allotments have a plant and garden book stall and plot holders will be asked for donations.
Plot plan – Karen will send Alan the plan of the allotments for the website. KA

Next meeting: 7.30pm, Wednesday 13th May, meeting at the Karen’s house.
Please email any agenda items you may have to KA at least 7 days prior to the next meeting

Wellington Fields Allotment Committee
Minutes of the Special Meeting held at 7.30pm on
Tuesday 17th February 2015 at the Memorial Hall

Present: Nigel Baxter (NB) (acting chair), Karen Appleton, (KA) (treasurer & secretary), Alan Hartley (AH), Rose Jones (RJ) Barry Williams (BW)

Apologies: Michelle Creese-Ellin) 

215.1 Welcome & signing in.
23 people were present at the meeting, a good turn out considering the short notice & school ½ term.

215.2 Matters arising.
Disseminate and discuss the Message from Hixon Parish Council and previous letter sent to Dave Jones. NB asked if it was necessary for the the letters to be read as emailed versions had been sent out & printed copies were available. There was a long session of discussion & anger at HPC to think they could do this. The general consensus was ‘If it’s not broke don’t fix it’, as people were happy with the way WFAA was run by the present committee. The conclusion was that people wanted to hear what HPC had to say face to face so they could ask questions. NB

215.3 Decide on motion/s for voting on at another meeting. The committee would meet next to agree this.

215.4 Set date for said meeting This was to be done later once the committee met. 

Please email any agenda items you may have to KA at least 7 days prior to the next meeting

Wellington Fields Allotment Committee
Minutes of the meeting held at
7.30pm on Wednesday 14th January 2015
at the Bankhouse

Present: Dave Jones,(DJ) (chair), Karen Appleton, (KA) (treasurer & secretary), Alan Hartley (AH), Rose Jones (RJ) Chris Hall (CHa), Barry Williams (BW)

Apologies: Michelle Creese-Ellin) Nigel Baxter (NB)

115.3 Minutes of previous meeting.
The minutes of the AGM held on 12th November 2014 were read, approved and signed by the Chairman.

115.3a Matters arising.
Weed burner.
As previous. DJ has done the costs but not yet the burn rate. HPC response.
As yet DJ has not yet received a response to our invitation to meet on 14th February in the village hall, nor the asked for plans. DJ to send a further invitation as a reminder to HPC. DJDJ 

115.4 Rats.
The bait has done its job & there were no more takes on the last visit by the pest control. They have offered an annual contract of £150 on a basis of 4 visits per year and 3-4 boxes. More visits will be available if necessary. The committee decided to accept this offer. KA to email their acceptance.

Financial report.
Account balance 12th December £1.051.40, but £230.40 to be deducted for payment to Environmental health for rat treatment. Working balance £821.Waiting list update Jason’s old plots of 9 & 10L have both been let. Dave Hollinshead has resigned his plot (11R); Elaine & Alan Tebay have resigned their plot ( 1L) as from 16th February, as have Phil & Linda Overton (30L). All plots have new tenants starting 17th February. There are no people on the waiting list who are wanting plots immediately. The advert in the Compass will be out shortly. KA

115.5 Plot pricing 2015.
In order to accommodate rent increases from HPC and pest control costs it was deemed necessary to increase the plot rents by £4.00 per quarter plot or multiples thereof and £3.00 for the two small plots. ALL

Alan Hartley requested that the boundary between his plot 3L & 1L is officially measured and marked out.
KA presented a copy of a growing guide from another allotment group. It was seen to be a good idea. DJ to see if he can scan it so that AH can adapt it for our use, eg identifying the easy/difficult to grow crops. DJDJ &AH

Next meeting: 7.00pm, Wednesday 24th February 2014, meeting at the Village Hall, if meeting with HPC or 7.30, Bankhouse if not. Venue will be confirmed once we have a response.
Please email any agenda items you may have to KA at least 7 days prior to the next meeting

Wellington Fields Allotment Committee
Minutes of the meeting held at
7.30pm on Wednesday 12th November 2014
at the Bankhouse

Present: Dave Jones,(DJ) (chair), Karen Appleton, (KA) (treasurer & secretary), Alan Hartley (AH), Rose Jones (RJ) Chris Hall (CHa), Nigel Baxter (NB)

Apologies: Michelle Creese-Ellin) Resignation: The resignation of Jason Johns was accepted, with regret. He was thanked for all his hard work whilst on the committee.

1114.3 Minutes of previous meeting.
The minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 3rd September 2014 were read, approved and signed by the Chairman 

1114.3a Matters arising.
Weed burner.

DJ reported that the costs to be £21 + gas, which was estimated at £20-£25. Discussions were held regarding health & safety. It was decided we would need a signing in/out book; that users would have to have a water bucket handy; the burners were not to be used within 1m of the hedges & fences & 2 people were to be present whilst the burners were being used. The price will be worked out by the hour once DJ has worked out what the burn rate will be.
New Water pipes.
Committee members offered to help the Tebays fill a water barrel if they got one as new water pipes were not a feasible option.
Response to HPC.
Correspondence Copies of the HPC letter to the Chairman (12th November 2014) were distributed. DJ agreed to respond & set another date for a meeting with HPC so we could discuss the plans & outstanding issues. Tuesday the 24th February 2014 was suggested as the village hall would be available. It was agreed that the committee needed a copy of the plans 7 days before the meeting so that they could be distributed and that the meeting would be cancelled if they were not received. DJDJ 

1114.4 Seed orders/Financial report.
Total seed orders from 6 people £213.30, profit from this order is £22.46Current balance in the account is £1,051.40 KA

1114.5 A.O.B.
Waiting list update.

New plot holder Mike Brooke has taken 6R. There will be 2 more available as soon as Jason clears his plot. It was decided to wait until after the annual renewal to see if there were any more plot vacancies before putting an another advert in the Compass.
We have agreed to go with a short term contract rather than an annual one. Notices to be posted and email to be sent to all plot holders showing clearly where all traps are set.
KA to send out invitations to join the committee after the recent resignations. KAKA

Next meeting: 7.30pm, Wednesday 14th January 2014, meeting at the Bankhouse
Please email any agenda items you may have to KA at least 7 days prior to the next meeting


Wellington Fields Allotment Committee
Minutes of the meeting held at
7.00pm on Monday 3rd September 2014
at the Allotment then the Bankhouse

Present: Dave Jones, (DJ) (chair), Karen Appleton, (KA) (treasurer & secretary), Alan Hartley (AH), Rose Jones (RJ), Joy Ashford (JA), Jason Johns (JJ) Chris Hall (CHa)
Apologies: Michelle Creese-Ellin) Nigel Baxter (NB)

Resignation: The resignation of Joy Ashford was accepted, with regret. She was thanked for all her hard work whilst on the committee.

914.3 Minutes of previous meeting
The minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 21st July 2014 were read, approved and signed by the Chairman 

914.3a Matters arising
See point below 914.5 

914.4 Inspection
The inspection was deemed to be a success by all. It showed that the majority were doing their best to keep a tidy plot and where there were issues they were mainly minor, and offers of support were given. A £10.00 voucher was given to the plot which was considered to be the neatest under cultivation. (10R) KA

914.5 Response to HPC email
The wording of the committee’s response to the email from the HPC was agreed and to be sent to the clerk. ALL

914.6 A.O.B.
Weed burner.
DJ to look into the cost of buying one for the allotment.
J Martin seems to be interested in taking the soil from our compost bins if we don’t want it.
New Water pipes.
NB suggested we put more water pipes in down the left hand side, but this was dismissed as not viable, or necessary. It was suggested that short hose nozzles were put on the taps so filling cans would be easier. It was agreed that this was a good idea, but to do this next season as the water will be turned off for the winter soon. DJ

Next meeting: 7.30pm, Wednesday 12th November 2014, meeting at the Bankhouse

Please email any agenda items you may have to KA at least 7 days prior to the next meeting

Wellington Fields Allotment Committee
Minutes of the meeting held at
7.30pm on Monday 21st July 2014 at the Bank House

Present: Dave Jones,(DJ) (chair), Karen Appleton, (KA) (treasurer & secretary), Alan Hartley (AH), Rose Jones (RJ), Joy Ashford (JA), Jason Johns (JJ) 
Apologies: Michelle Creese-Ellin) (MC Chris Hall (CHa) Nigel Baxter (NB)

714.3 Minutes of previous meeting.
The minutes of the A.G.M. held on 7th June 2014 were read, approved and signed by the Chairman.

714.3a Matters arising.
KA has not yet received a date to meet with HPC & John Martin to discuss the original contracts & plans. The constitution on the web site needs amending. At the next A.G.M. the A.O.B. MUST come before the election of officials. 

714.4 Compost Bins.
To go out to plot holders that if they put in they must take out, hopefully this will prevent people using the bins as a dumping ground for their weeds. AH

714.5 Amendments to Tenancy agreements.
Deposit on plots. The idea that we take a deposit from people to hold in case of transgressions or people leaving & not returning plots to original condition was discussed and dismissed. Shared plots. A formal letter to go out to remind the plot holder that they are in breach of their tenancy by sharing their plot. Non-worked plots. It was agreed to fall in line with council run allotments to start inspections to identify plots that are not being worked or allowed to become overgrown. The 1st to be before our next meeting. Parking of cars. Emails to go out to tenants who are parking their cars in the central drive & not returning them to the car park after unloading. KAALLKA

714.6 Blight Issues.
An email to be sent out with the Kings seed catalogues around October- November suggesting blight resistant potatoes as per DJ’s previous email. KA

Next meeting: 7.30pm, Wednesday 3rd September 2014, meeting at the allotment for an inspection & then at the Bankhouse.

Please email any agenda items you may have to KA at least 7 days prior to the next meeting

Wellington Fields Allotment Committee
Minutes of the meeting held at 7.00pm on
Wednesday 30th April 2014 at the Bank House

Present: Colin Hutchinson, (CHu) (chair), Karen Appleton, (KA) (treasurer & secretary), Alan Hartley (AH), Rose Jones (RJ), Nigel Baxter (NB) Joy Ashford (JA), Nigel Baxter (NB)
Apologies: Jason Johns (JJ) Michelle Creese-Ellin) (MC Chris Hall (CHa)

414.3a Minutes of previous meeting.
The minutes of the meeting held on 9th April 2014 were read, approved and signed by the Chairman.

414.4a Matters arising Cfwd Calendar.
JJ has costed printing at £2.25 - £2.50 per calendar & will bring a ‘mock – up’ to the next meeting. JJ 

414.4a Social on 17/5/14.
Tickets to be sold by RJ, NB, Chu, & KA. Email to be sent informing people of this. Plot plans to be printed for the evening. Event poster to be designed by DJ. Raffle Chu to buy tickets & coordinate prizes. Each committee member to bring something for the raffle on the night. Quiz Chu to buy 4 bottles of wine. Sundries JA to buy paper plates & serviettes KA to check cutlery numbers in V/Hall & availability of table cloths & to bring spare pens & paper for the quiz & order glasses from Morrisons. JJ to bring karaoke machine for PA – music (Committee to bring CDs) Committee members to be at the v/hall to help set up at 5.30pm. John Martin to be invited as guest & Parish counselors are welcome to buy tickets. Please keep all invoices for items bought & present them to KA for payment RJ NB CHu KAKAKADJCHuALLJAKAJJ ALL.

414.5a Suzanne Burt’s tree.
Because of people planting trees which have the potential to grow more than 6ft a general email to go out reminding everyone of the rules & asking those who have problematic trees to remove them or put in a container by the end of May. KA

414.6a Any Other Business.
1. Tap dripping beside plot 1R, volunteers needed to repair it.
2. Compost bins are full, email to be sent out to that effect & notice to be placed on bins.
3. CHu to research availability of wood chippings for possible use on the allotments.
4. AGM date 7th June at 1.00pm emails to be sent out with this information & asking for any items for the agenda to be sent to KA 7 days prior to the meeting. KAChuKA

Next meeting: Pre AGM 7th June 2014, 12 .00pm at Hixon Memorial Hall.
Please email any agenda items you may have to KA at least 7 days prior to the next meeting.

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